go down into silence造句
- Some Christians believe that death is a period of dormancy, or sleep in the body, or an Intermediate state, on Earth, or in the Bosom of Abraham, in which there is no consciousness and no Heavenly activity has yet begun-no judgment, no trip to heaven nor hell, based on their interpretation of the following scriptures : " The dead know not anything . . . Their love, their hatred, and their envy is now perished " ( Eccl . 9 : 5 ); " In death there is no remembrance of thee; in the grave, who shall give thee thanks ? " ( Psalm 6 : 5 ); " The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence " ( Psalm 115 : 17 ); " The grave cannot praise thee : death cannot celebrate thee " ( Isaiah 38 : 18 ).
- It's difficult to see go down into silence in a sentence. 用go down into silence造句挺难的
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